Selected peer-reviewed journal articles:
Tuncdemir, SN, Grosmark AD, Chung, H, Luna VM, Lacefield CO Losonczy A., Hen R. Adult-born granule cells facilitate remapping of spatial and non-spatial representations in the dentate gyrus. Neuron 2023 Oct 3:S0896-6273(23)00703-1. Link.
Vancura B, Geiller T, Grosmark A, Zhao V, Losonczy A. Inhibitory control of sharp-wave ripple duration during learning in hippocampal recurrent networks. Nature Neuroscience 2023 May;26(5):788-797. Link.
Tuncdemir, SN, Grosmark AD, Turi G, Shank A., Bowler J., Ordek G., Losonczy A., Hen R, Lacefield CO. Parallel processing of sensory cue and spatial information in the Dentate Gyrus. Cell Reports 38, 110257 (2022). Link.
Grosmark, AD*, Sparks, F.T., Davis, M.J. & Losonczy, A. Reactivation predicts the consolidation of unbiased long-term cognitive maps. Nature Neuroscience. (24):1574-1585. Link. *Corresponding author
Sparks F.T., Liao Z., Li W., Grosmark A., Soltesz I., Losonczy A.. Hippocampal adult-born granule cells drive network activity in a mouse model of chronic temporal lobe epilepsy. Nature Communications 2020 Dec: 6138. Link.
Turi G.F., Li W.K., Chavlis S., Pandi I., O'Hare J., Priestley J.B., Grosmark A., Liao Z., Ladow M., Zhang J.F., Zemelman B.V., Poirazi P. & Losonczy A. Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-expressing interneurons in the hippocampus support goal-oriented spatial learning. Neuron. Mar: 1150-1165. Link.
Zaremba J.D., Diamantopoulou A, Danielson N.B., Grosmark A., Kaifosh P.W., Bowler J.C., Liao Z., Sparks F.T., Gogos J.A., Losonczy A. Impaired hippocampal place cell dynamics in a mouse model of the 22q11.2 deletion. Nature Neuroscience. 2017 Nov;20(11):1612-1623. Link.
Grosmark A., Buzsáki G. Diversity in neural firing dynamics supports both rigid and learned hippocampal sequences. Science, 2016, (6280):1440-3. Link. *Faculty of 1000 recommended article by Drs. E. Moser & E. Rowland.
Tuncdemir SN, Wamsley B, Stam FJ, Osakada F, Goulding M, Callaway EM, Rudy B, Fishell G Early somatostatin interneuron connectivity mediates the maturation of deep layer cortical circuits. (2016) Neuron Feb 3;89(3):521-535. Link.
De Marco García NV, Priya R, Tuncdemir SN, Fishell G and Karayannis T. Sensory inputs control the integration of neurogliaform interneurons into cortical circuits. (2015) Nature Neuroscience Mar;18 (3):393-401. Link.
Grosmark A., Mizuseki K., Pastalkova E., Diba K., Buzsáki G. REM sleep reorganizes hippocampal excitability. Neuron. 2012. 75(6): p.1001-7. Link. *Faculty of 1000 recommended article by Dr. L. Chen.
Tuncdemir SN, Fishell G, Batista-Brito R. miRNAs are essential for the survival and maturation of cortical interneurons. (2015) Cerebral Cortex Jul;25(7):1842-1857. Link.
Owen SF, Tuncdemir SN, Bader PL, Tirko NN, Fishell G, Tsien RW. Oxytocin enhances hippocampal spike transmission by modulating fast-spiking interneurons. (2013) Nature Aug 22;500 (7463):458-462. Link.
Vandecasteele M., Royer S., Belluscio M., Berényi A., Diba K., Fujisawa S., Grosmark A., Mao D., Mizuseki K., Patel J., Stark E., Sullivan D., Watson B., Buzsáki G., Large-scale recording of neurons by movable silicon probes in behaving rodents. Journal of Visualized Experiments:JoVE, 2012. (61): e3568. Link.
Dzirasa K., Ribeiro S., Costa R.M., Santos L.M., Lin S.C., Grosmark A., Sotnikova T.D., Gainetdinov R.R., Caron M.G., Nicolelis M.A.L.. Dopaminergic control of sleep- wake states. Journal of Neuroscience, 2006. 26(41): p.10577-89. Link.
Book Chapters and Reviews:
Grosmark A., Milstein A.D., Losonczy A. & Soltesz I. Local Circuits. In R. Morris (Ed.), The Hippocampus Book, 2nd Edition. Oxford Press. (In Publication).
Tuncdemir SN, Lacefield CO, Hen R. Contributions of adult neurogenesis to dentate gyrus network activity and computations. Behavioral Brain Research. 2019 Nov 18;374:112112. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2019.112112. Link
Tuncdemir SN, Fishell G. Neural circuits look forward. (2011) PNAS 108 (39): 16137-8.
Chen, G., Wu, X., and Tuncdemir, S. Cell adhesion and synaptogenesis. (2007) Sheng Li Xue Bao Acta Physiologica Sinica 59(6): 697-706. Link.
Tuncdemir SN, Grosmark AD, Chung H, Luna VM, Lacefield CO Losonczy A, Hen R. Adult born hippocampal granule cells promote pattern separation by bidirectionally modulating the remapping of place and cue cells. bioRxiv doi: 10.1101/2022.12.08.519632 Link
Levenstein D., Girardeau G., Gornet J., Grosmark A., Huszár R., Peyrache A., Senzai Y., Watson B., Rinzel H, Buzsáki G. Distinct ground state and activated state modes of firing in forebrain neurons. bioRxiv 2021.09.20.461152. Link.
Published Dataset:
A. Grosmark. J. Long, G. Buzsaki. Recordings from hippocampal area CA1, PRE, during and POST novel spatial learning. Dataset HC11. Link. (Dataset used in over 18 published articles and chapters).